Lady Captain’s Charity Day, July 9th


Lady Captain Dot Pearce is a big supporter of the East Cheshire Hospice, her Charity in her year of Captaincy.  Wednesday was LC’s charity day, and the ladies were blessed with beautiful weather for their competition and fund raising.

It was really informative to hear Claire Gorton of East Cheshire Hospice, Claire gave a very insightful presentation of life at the hospice which helped us all understand the important and valuable work they do.

The golf was the supporting act for the fund raising, a fun format with a super halfway house with busy little helpers (well done grandchildren!).

Runners up were Liz Nelson, Gerry Waggett, Sue Milligan, and Maureen Webb.

Our Charity Day Winners were Suzy Maxwell, Verona Stott , Val Stanhope, and Sheila Thornton

Nearest the pins were Suzy and Liz

Well done to everyone that played and most importantly supported the charity day. LC would be delighted and grateful for any donations made, please follow this link to LC’s just giving page

Thank you!